Saturday, October 2, 2010
A Story for the Youth?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Jock Sunday - Round #2

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Closing One Chapter, Only to Begin Another

At the same time I accepted the offer to move into the insane world of Advertising, it was time to place notice to the hotel where I had worked for almost 4 years. I have so many fond memories, and insane stories to tell of the ongoings within those walls; not only with guests, but the crazy cast of coworkers that I shared time there with. It helped me get to where I am at and I will always look fondly on my time with the Kimpton family. Alas, it is time to move on, and while the learning curve is steep, I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Here goes everything...
Thursday, June 10, 2010
It's Been A While...

There is something special about this club, and has to be experienced to be known in its entirety. This weekend marks the end of the first season for the VICE Squad with a friendly match against Spikes II. It's going to be a doozy, costumes and all, but I can't wait. What a way to kick off the World Cup opening weekend. It was a personal goal once I graduated to get back into Soccer and organized sports, and I sincerely can't thank them enough for welcoming me with open arms. Go Spikes!!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Auctioning People?!

Friday, April 30, 2010
Tough Mudder?!

Sounds crazy, and IS. I had been considering a marathon as a goal I wanted to accomplish this year. It was something to train for, and see all the way through to fruition. However, I wasn't satisfied with just running (no offense at all to those who run them, my hat goes off to you). I was interested in something more... and when I had gotten busy with life (or maybe my short attention span), A great friend/trainer/rocker posted something on his Facebook about Tough Mudder. I checked it out, and bingo! Exactly what I was looking for.
The event falls in October, so that gives our team a solid 5 months to train. Now, having 2 personal trainers on the team, other marathon runners, and fit people makes for a nice balance (plus they can carry me when I collapse). Now I must ensure that I uphold my weight. It's going to be rough, but SO worth it. The course is 7 miles in Bear Valley, and includes everything from crawling through muddy tunnels, climbing over redwoods, fences, giant spools of cable, and even a school bus, and don't forget running through fire! I was looking for a challenge, and I think I found it, haha. It'll be a great way to get me back into shape (note: soccer definitely helps also, than you Spikes/VICE), and really push myself; mentally, emotionally, and of course physically.
What I'm also looking forward to is upon completion, aside from the party, there just happens to be a tattoo artist. Provided I finish, I will most definitely opt in to be branded with the Tough Mudder insignia. A symbol of accomplishment is in order. But ONLY if I complete the entire course... excuse me, I meant to say WHEN I complete it.
So the training must begin. It's time to swim in the bay, run though the hills all over the bay area, and hold on for dear life! This is going to be wicked...
And in case you're curious like I was about this whole mess, check it out!
Bear Valley Course
Tough Mudder
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Who Doesn't Love a Beer Bust?! [Part Deux]

Sunday, April 11, 2010
Ocean's Eleven

Thursday, April 8, 2010
On the Flipside
Shitiot - Thank you K.Tomas. talk about one of the most concise words used lately. It is succinct and to the point. My favorite word as of yet. So much so that I might have introduced everyone that I come in contact recently to it. It is so good that there doesn't even need to be an example of how to use it, because if it needed one, it wouldn't be that great.
point.blank.period. - Talk about straight to the 'point'. This is a phrase that should be added to a statement to emphasize your point... for example, "You shouldn't be wearing that shirt, point.blank.period" It helps put your point to rest, with no questions asked... with no room for discussion.
Irrelevant (see also: "That's Irrelevant") Everyone knows that I use it frequently in many circumstances throughout life and conversation(s). It's meant for multipurpose use. It helps get out of many a conversation. Like a roadblock in someone's verbal assualt. It's not only an answer, but also a deterrant.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Laughter is the Best Medicine
As the plane prepared to descend, he came swishing down the aisle and told us that "Captain Marvey has asked me to announce that he'll be landing the big scary plane shortly, so lovely people, if you could just put your trays up, that would be super."
On his trip back up the aisle, he noticed this well-dressed and rather Arabic looking woman hadn't moved a muscle. "Perhaps you didn't hear me over those big brute engines but I asked you to raise your trazy-poo, so the main man can pitty-pat us on the ground."
She calmly turned her head and said, "In my country, I am called a Princess and I take orders from no one."
To which (I swear) the flight attendant replied, without missing a
beat, "Well, sweet- cheeks, in my country I'm called a Queen, so I outrank you. Tray-up, Bitch."
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Life Teaches Lessons
There's only so many words that i can use to describe Chad. He was an and will always be an amazing person. Recently he has passed on into another part of life's cycle. I will never forget the lessons and inspiration that he has taught me. He has been and will always be remembered for his positive attitude and amazing friendship. You never fully realize what you have until it's gone, and the world has lost a phenomenal man. He will be remembered through his friends, family, and husband Vince. I met Vince years and years back when I lived in the East Bay. I soon after, met Chad. Both have given me such wonderful support, life lessons, and great times. True lovers of life, and the extent for which they both act within the community is down right outstanding! I love them both dearly, and Chad, you will sincerely be missed, but not ever forgotten.

Chad Droll Scalise Memorial Fundraiser
If you are unable to attend, but would like to make a donation, please send a check to:
Chad Droll Scalise Memorial Fund
c/o Wells Fargo Bank
3630 Mt. Diablo Blvd.
Lafayette, CA 94549
Please include the account # 5509885389 in the memo portion of your check.
The Celebration of Chad's Life will be held the following weekend April 25th, 3-9pm at the Colombo Club in Oakland.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Do You Really Need That?!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Jocks & Jell-O Shots

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
It's Always Sunny...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Me, Moving, And A Master's Degree?

A friend, and former teacher in college once told me something as we left from a mountain retreat that comes to mind right now... 'In order to say hello again, you must first say goodbye'.
It is essential for me to grow as an individual, professional, and a genuine lover of life, that I make a move... sooner rather than later. I would not be able to accept that one day, as I'm on my death bed, looking back, and wondering why I never gave it a shot. I settled, in one area, my entire life. That WILL NOT be the case with this wicked ride. And to add to my appreaciation for my current residence, I need to be without it to truely respect and acknowledge it.
What the future holds... as cliche as it sounds it rings loud and clear... that only time will tell.
This has been the most personal and more 'serious' post I've had on this blog, and I sincerely appreciate those who take the time to read it.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
The Spikes III

Friday, February 12, 2010
Who doesn't love a BEER BUST?!

WHAT: Good times, Hot soccer players (and company of course), Free food, and All-You-Can-Drink Beer for ONLY $10
WHERE: The Eagle Tavern (398 12th Street @ Harrison)
WHEN: February 28th, 2010 // 3pm-6pm
WHY: Because everyone likes like eye candy, free things, and partying for a good cause.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

So there you have it. Some design stuff for you to indulge in. Soak it up, and get to designing something phenomenal!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Ready to get Spiked?!

With practice starting next week, I've been conversing with the coach (who seems to know me all too well already) about a name for this third incarnation of the Spikes. I'm taking in all ideas, as we are going to embark on creating a logo/emblem for our jerseys, banner, etc. Any ideas? Suggestions? I won't share just yet what I'm working on in my head, but NOTHING is out of bounds on this one. Once created, I'll be sure to keep it posted. It'll be good... would you expect any less?!
Until then, I will be keeping up on all the other projects in the works, like volunteering for Pride 2010 and their marketing, my involvement in an HIV vaccine study, freelance projects, the ever illusive job hunt for something in my industry... and of course all the other craziness that will ensue on the journey of the CKS 2010 Comeback Tour!
Keep your eyes peeled my friends, it's only just begun... and that's a promise!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
I am a Front Desk Agent

With this small bit being said, it was a new manager who has come into the Front Office department that decided to share a little something with the staff. As managers we try to keep the employee morale up, and this was a nice little introduction into his style and sense of humor. I share this with everyone because if you have never worked a front desk, you might finally understand what it's like after reading this. If you have worked the Front Desk in a hotel before, then this will be like music to your ears. After reading it I thought that finally, someone else had put into words how it is. Enjoy!
I am a Front Desk Agent
I have advanced degrees in Accounting, Public Relations, Marketing, Business, Computer Science, Civil Engineering, and Swahili. I can also read minds.
Of course I have the reservation that you booked six years ago even though you don't have the confirmation number and you think it was made under a name that starts with "S".
It is completely my fault that the blizzard shut down the airport and you have to sleep in a warm king-size bed while 5000 of your co-travellers are sleeping in benches at the airport. I am sorry.
It is not a problem for me to give you seven connecting, non-smoking, poolside suites with two king beds in each, four rollaways, 3 cribs, and yes, I can install a wet bar. I know it is my fault that we do not have a helicopter landing pad.
I am a Front Desk Agent. I am expected to speak all languages fluently. It is obvious to me that when you booked your reservation for Friday on the weekend we're sold out that you really meant Saturday. My company has entrusted me with all financial information and decisions, and yes, I am lying to you when I say we have no more rooms available. It is not a problem for me to quickly construct several more guest rooms. THIS time I will not forget the helicopter landing pad. And it is my fault that everyone wanted to stay here. I should have known you were coming in, even though you had no reservation. After all, you stay at our brand of hotel all the time, 300 nights a year, and this is only the first time you've ever been to our city.
I am a front desk agent. I am quite capable of checking three people in, two people out, taking five reservations, answering fifteen incoming calls, delivering six bath towels to room 625, plunging the toilet in room 101, and restocking the supply of pool towels, all at the same time. Yes, I will be glad to call the van driver and tell him to drive over all the cars stuck in traffic because you've been waiting at the airport for 15 minutes and you've got jet lag.
I am a front desk agent, an operator, a bellhop, houseman, guest service representative, housekeeper, sales coordinator, information specialist, entertainment critic, restauranteur, stock broker, referee, janitor, computer technician, plumber, ice-breaker, postman, babysitter, dispatcher, laundry cleaner, lifeguard, electrician, ambassador, personal fitness trainer, fax expert, human jukebox, domestic abuse counselor, and verbal punching bag. Yes, I know room 112 is not answering their phone. And of course I have their travel itinerary so I know exactly where they went when they left here 9 hours ago, and what their cell phone number is.
I always know where to find the best vegetarian-kosher-Mongolian-barbecue restaurants. I know exactly what to see and do in this city in fifteen minutes without spending any money and without getting caught in traffic. I take personal blame for airline food, traffic jams, rental car flat tires, and the nation's economy.
I realize that you meant to book your reservation here. People often confuse us with the Galaxy Delight Motel, Antarctica. Of course I can "fit you in" and yes, you may have the special $1 rate because you are affiliated with the Hoboken Accounting and Bagel Club.
I am expected to smile, empathize, sympathize, console, condole, upsell, downsell (and know when to do which), perform, sing, dance, fix the printer, and tell your friends that you're here. And I know exactly where 613 Possum Trot Lane is in the Way Out There subdivision that they just built last week.
After all, I AM a Front Desk Agent!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
It's Hid... in the Lid
Given that I have been trying to take my health into consideration more in 2010 (isn't everyone?!), I was introduced to the Activate Drinks by a coworker and good friend (you know who you are... Washington D.C.). Now I am fond of the packaging, but more intrigued with the concept and how that plays into the execution of the packaging, branding, and actual product overall.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
The English Language
Starting a New Year breeds reflection...obviously. Well, I've done some reflective thinking about the English language. For those who know me, I'd assume you recall that there are a number of words that I am not a fan of in this worldwide dialect. The list is ever growing, and I'm sure that I've missed some along the way... which I will elaborate on at a later date once we have compiled more. Some may not be 100% G-rated, so my apologies... Shall we begin?
Moist - one, if not the worst word I can think of. Never a good use for this, even when talking about cupcakes, or a slice of birthday cake.
Orifice - It might share the top spot with "moist" and when you combine the two... it's appalling.
Milpitas - So it's a town with the Great Mall, who-ho! Let's face it. This sounds like an STD that you would be embarrassed to admit, even to your physician.
Schmere - so some like it on bagels, but frankly, this word is gross. I don't want "schmere" on anything I am going to ingest.
Wharf - Living in San Francisco... working in a hotel... I have to direct people to the Fisherman's Wharf everyday. And anytime I say it, I want to throw up a little. It sounds bad, and can be a physical struggle to get out.... everytime.
Ointment - I feel like 'oinking' when saying this. It's a strain to say, and whenever you have to use it, it's usually not a good sign. Maybe you should get some in case your "Milpitas" starts to flare up again.
Chaffing - never good. end of story. you know it's not a good thing, and never will be. Plus the sound of saying it isn't pleasant.
Areola - seriosuly. say it out loud. It may roll nicely with the vowels but sounds like nothing more than a pasta noodle.
Vulva - It's not a car, and something I want nothing to do with. Plus saying it is terrible. Try it.
So there it begins. Some of the words that I am not fond of in the English language. Please, do share with me any that you can think of holding a special place in your heart (You may just help me in adding to this list). Eventually I'll share the combined words that should never be placed together... those can become down right offensive.
Hopefully this year, a majority of these words will disappear from mine... and everyone else's vocabulary.
Here's to hoping!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Package Design
I'm interested to see what others think about these, and which are your favorite...?