It was a drab Sunday afternoon (April 11th, 2010 to be exact), and the moisture (ugh, i said it) was in the air, with the team coming together. Some teammates couldn't make it, as they were sick, some 'hungover', but none the less this game was happening! The rain seemed to have let up as the line up was solidfying... until everyone arrived at the pitch. Both teams were ready, present, and backing out was never an option. It was non-stop, 90 minutes, with no subs in the pouring rain. It was worth every minute of it, and has earned a spot as one of the most fun experiences I have had recently. You had to be in it to fully understand it. But in case you weren't I thought the team photo, post-game would help at least show the pitch that turned from turf... to ocean. GO VICE!

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