And so it is true. After months on of interviews and up and down emotions, I am into my second week working for McCann Worldgroup (McCann - SF)! The advertising giant that has been around for as long as the business itself it seems. I fully believe that things happen for a reason and for those NOT familiar with the process... I started interviewing at AgencyTwoFifteen, which is under the McCann Worldgroup family tree, specializing in the young adult market. After 12 interviews stretched across a number ofweeks, and multiple back and forth games to touch base, gain feedback, and keep the hope alive... it was decided. I was told I got the job... but t

hey couldn't make an offer because the client was looking over their budget, and it might not be in their cards to afford the position. After a couple more weeks, it was decided; there were no funds. Thus, it was a no go, even though I got the position. However, in the belief that what is meant to happen will happen... about a week later, I got a call back from McCann. This time there was a better position at the McCann - SF offices open.I jumped at the opportunity, and after 6 more interviews with the team, I was formally given an offer, which I graciously accepted. And so it was. I finally got my first agency job, and with one of the biggest name in the business, none the less! It was so refreshing to feel that all the hard work, sacrifice, blood, sweat, and tears had paid off.
At the same time I accepted the offer to move into the insane world of Advertising, it was time to place notice to the hotel where I had worked for almost 4 years. I have so many fond memories, and insane stories to tell of the ongoings within those walls; not only with guests, but the crazy cast of coworkers that I shared time there with. It helped me get to where I am at and I will always look fondly on my time with the Kimpton family. Alas, it is time to move on, and while the learning curve is steep, I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Here goes everything...