Friday, April 30, 2010

Tough Mudder?!

Sounds crazy, and IS. I had been considering a marathon as a goal I wanted to accomplish this year. It was something to train for, and see all the way through to fruition. However, I wasn't satisfied with just running (no offense at all to those who run them, my hat goes off to you). I was interested in something more... and when I had gotten busy with life (or maybe my short attention span), A great friend/trainer/rocker posted something on his Facebook about Tough Mudder. I checked it out, and bingo! Exactly what I was looking for.

The event falls in October, so that gives our team a solid 5 months to train. Now, having 2 personal trainers on the team, other marathon runners, and fit people makes for a nice balance (plus they can carry me when I collapse). Now I must ensure that I uphold my weight. It's going to be rough, but SO worth it. The course is 7 miles in Bear Valley, and includes everything from crawling through muddy tunnels, climbing over redwoods, fences, giant spools of cable, and even a school bus, and don't forget running through fire! I was looking for a challenge, and I think I found it, haha. It'll be a great way to get me back into shape (note: soccer definitely helps also, than you Spikes/VICE), and really push myself; mentally, emotionally, and of course physically.

What I'm also looking forward to is upon completion, aside from the party, there just happens to be a tattoo artist. Provided I finish, I will most definitely opt in to be branded with the Tough Mudder insignia. A symbol of accomplishment is in order. But ONLY if I complete the entire course... excuse me, I meant to say WHEN I complete it.

So the training must begin. It's time to swim in the bay, run though the hills all over the bay area, and hold on for dear life! This is going to be wicked...

And in case you're curious like I was about this whole mess, check it out!
Bear Valley Course
Tough Mudder

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Who Doesn't Love a Beer Bust?! [Part Deux]

Oh yes, it's that time again! The SF Spikes Soccer Club are hosting another Beer Bust Fundraiser at the infamous Eagle Tavern in the SoMa district in San Francisco. This time we are bringing the balls to a SPECIAL Saturday event. The details? I thought you'd never ask...

WHEN: Saturday, May 8th 2010 from 3p-6p
WHERE: The Eagle Tavern @ 398 12th St. [cross is Harrison]
WHAT: Beer Bust [$10] & fresh dogs and burgers from the grill! [keep your fingers crossed for MaMa Swanson's epic return]

It is for a cause as we send many of the SF Spikes overseas, and even some VICE Squad players to the Gay Games coming to Cologne, Germany this summer. What better way to help out a good cause than to drink and eat [something you are going to do anyway]? Beer, BBQ, and Soccer Studs to mingle with to start off your Saturday adventures. Nothing better! Check out the flyer I created, and I'll be keeping an eye out for you by the grill... or tap. Whichever it is, get ready for a good time, guaranteed!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ocean's Eleven

It was a drab Sunday afternoon (April 11th, 2010 to be exact), and the moisture (ugh, i said it) was in the air, with the team coming together. Some teammates couldn't make it, as they were sick, some 'hungover', but none the less this game was happening! The rain seemed to have let up as the line up was solidfying... until everyone arrived at the pitch. Both teams were ready, present, and backing out was never an option. It was non-stop, 90 minutes, with no subs in the pouring rain. It was worth every minute of it, and has earned a spot as one of the most fun experiences I have had recently. You had to be in it to fully understand it. But in case you weren't I thought the team photo, post-game would help at least show the pitch that turned from turf... to ocean. GO VICE!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

On the Flipside

So it wasn't long ago that I started this blog, and with it, I introduced you all to a couple of words that I wasn't fond of (those of you who know me well don't even need to reference that post). Now, on the flipside, I thought I would bring to light some of the words and/or statements that I have been fond of lately. Whether a newly introduced word to my vocabulary by someone in my life, or something that I have found myself using for a while now, they are all fantastic. Yet again I find myself digressing...

Amazeballs - This word can be used at any time to describe the most amazing of times you have experienced. You know it, and I think you should use it. Sometimes life has those times/things that are just, well... AMAZEBALLS!

Shitiot - Thank you K.Tomas. talk about one of the most concise words used lately. It is succinct and to the point. My favorite word as of yet. So much so that I might have introduced everyone that I come in contact recently to it. It is so good that there doesn't even need to be an example of how to use it, because if it needed one, it wouldn't be that great.

point.blank.period. - Talk about straight to the 'point'. This is a phrase that should be added to a statement to emphasize your point... for example, "You shouldn't be wearing that shirt, point.blank.period" It helps put your point to rest, with no questions asked... with no room for discussion.

Irrelevant (see also: "That's Irrelevant") Everyone knows that I use it frequently in many circumstances throughout life and conversation(s). It's meant for multipurpose use. It helps get out of many a conversation. Like a roadblock in someone's verbal assualt. It's not only an answer, but also a deterrant.

Balls - This is a multipurpose word as well. When you're frustrated, irritated, or down right upset. Just like another, more harsh word in our vocab, this can substitute and sometimes out perform the other for expression of accurate emotions.

There are more to come over time, so keep your eyes and ears open.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Laughter is the Best Medicine

So it is something for a son to come out to their parents, but it's another when the parents (or dad specifically) can come to terms enough to be sending his son gay jokes. Not in a negative or demeaning way, but in a way that is meant as playful and in good fun. Thought I would share the joke that my father sent me years ago. It was a sign that things would be ok. From the sense of uncertainty, there was a hopeful light. A realization that things would all work out... but I digress...

"My flight was being served by an obviously gay flight attendant, who seemed to put everyone in a good mood as he served us food and drinks.

As the plane prepared to descend, he came swishing down the aisle and told us that "Captain Marvey has asked me to announce that he'll be landing the big scary plane shortly, so lovely people, if you could just put your trays up, that would be super."

On his trip back up the aisle, he noticed this well-dressed and rather Arabic looking woman hadn't moved a muscle. "Perhaps you didn't hear me over those big brute engines but I asked you to raise your trazy-poo, so the main man can pitty-pat us on the ground."

She calmly turned her head and said, "In my country, I am called a Princess and I take orders from no one."

To which (I swear) the flight attendant replied, without missing a

beat, "Well, sweet- cheeks, in my country I'm called a Queen, so I outrank you. Tray-up, Bitch."