Yep, that's what the title says, and no it's not some experiment, but it is an alternative billboard execution in London, at Victoria station. Check out the images below from the BBDO UK creation to raise awareness around cancer research.
// credit: The SF Egotist
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Gender NonConforming Photo Series
A photography series from a boys' camp where parents can take their non gender conforming boys for a 4-day retreat. Where they can be themselves, perform, and enjoy without fear of judgement or criticism. I think it and the photos a wonderful and encourage you to click the link, read the brief write up on Slate, and check out the great shots that have been captured.
// credit: Slate
// credit: Slate
Monday, July 15, 2013
Making Shit Happen
Time's are a changing, with a new position at a new agency on the horizon, I'm jumping in head first and can't wait! Time to do exactly as this simple typography composition says and, "Make Shit Happen." Can't wait to share the details on my upcoming move, but first, said graphic.
// credit: Design Inspiration
// credit: Design Inspiration
Saturday, July 13, 2013
She Sounds Hideous
Hands down one of my favorite TV commercials. Just saw it on the tube and had to post it up.
Yeah, it sounds interesting if you know nothing about what you'll be watching. That's good, now watch and be amazed. Think of the applications you can do with this or what other creative ideas can come from the use of this product? I think it's genius and a testament to science. Awesome.
// credit: Business Insider
// credit: Business Insider
Ira Glass – On Being Creative
Great kinetic type video on the process of being creative... more so, the process from starting your creative 'career' and getting to where your ambitions match what you're producing. I can relate to this on many levels and it's possible, in fact I know, that I'm still going through this phase of my creative journey.
// credit: Found on Facebook
// credit: Found on Facebook
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Visual Identity – Alex Poulsen Arkitekter
Clean with lots of negative/white space. love it. So simple. And the composition of the shot for the materials is great.
// credit: designinspiration
// credit: designinspiration
Super Soaker!
Awesome print ads for the brand! Makes me feel totally nostalgic about these toys and my youth. Now when the San Francisco summer comes in weeks from now and flashes us with a just a couple perfect sumer days I best have these ready to go.
// credit: Buzzfeed
// credit: Buzzfeed
Friday, July 5, 2013
This To Shall Pass
That moment when your father sends you an email titled, "unusual video" and you can't be sure (nor can you tell from the URL) what lies on the other end of the link... but you click it anyway. Phew! It's just a pretty awesome video from OK GO for their song, "This to Shall Pass". Reminds me of MarbleWorks (remember those?) or the board game MouseTrap (you remember). Well executed and I assume, like their previous video, was shot in a single take. Creative, fun, whimsical, and well, just entertaining. Check it out.
// credit: My Dad (weird)
// credit: My Dad (weird)
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Todrick Hall
I've never heard of this individual before this past weekend when a friend, caught in astonishment that I was oblivious, showed me some of his clips on YouTube. And with that, I came across some good videos. Full on Target store flash mobs and most importantly, a remake of a number from Disney's Beauty and the Beast. It's worth watching and bravo to him for making this. Wonderfully done, timely and nice creative execution. Videos below.
// credit: YouTube
Beauty & The Beat!
Target Beyonce Flashmob
// credit: YouTube
Beauty & The Beat!
Target Beyonce Flashmob
Look for the Light
NOTE: This is part posting for a killer TED Talk I watched and another part story/writing from me on a recent experience. That's all.
After an incredible nonverbal interaction between myself and a female stranger yesterday evening, a friend posted this TED Talk link on my update as a comment. I had to share, but before I do, I wanted to more elaborately document the experience that resulted in my posting and in turn this video. Read on if you'd like, or jump to the video.
I couldn't help but but feel overwhelmed with a sudden flash of clarity and warmth. As I walked through the Mission district, caught up with my surroundings, the overwhelming stimulus in my eyes. I was distracted in the web between my ears, distorted, frustrated, happy, in a jumble of thoughts and emotions running in all directions like a school playground during recess. And then there was her... she amongst the others simply glided as she guided her bike along the sidewalk. It was dusk, the sun setting with a bright and comforting burnt glow. From a distance she glanced, making eye contact, then smiling, and I caught it, right into me. But it wasn't anything.. strangers smile all the time. At least that's what I thought at first. I looked away, breaking the connection, feeling vulnerable, as if she just peered into my very being. She insisted and initiated the contact again, this time with much more pleasant intensity. It was as if she wasn't done before, like I'd interrupted her sentence and she'd yet to make her point. So she hooked my attention again and I realized she was conversing with me. Her smile again struck me, this time holding me. The glare of the sun beamed off her eyes. It sparkled. It was but only mere seconds yet felt as if we'd been talking for days without sleeping. As if she'd known the secrets I kept in a chest to which no one had the keys, are you kidding. She already knew what excuses I would serve up to avoid vulnerability and really, she didn't want to say a single word to me aloud. It was this simple action that immediately cleared the self conjured clouds in my head in seconds. It was a connection unlike any other, something deeper. She spoke to me with her light, telling me, "i love you and relax, because you're exactly where you should be." I knew what she meant. And she'll never know what she did for me, how much I craved that confirmation, and how it continues to resonate inside me... or does she?
// credit: TED
After an incredible nonverbal interaction between myself and a female stranger yesterday evening, a friend posted this TED Talk link on my update as a comment. I had to share, but before I do, I wanted to more elaborately document the experience that resulted in my posting and in turn this video. Read on if you'd like, or jump to the video.
I couldn't help but but feel overwhelmed with a sudden flash of clarity and warmth. As I walked through the Mission district, caught up with my surroundings, the overwhelming stimulus in my eyes. I was distracted in the web between my ears, distorted, frustrated, happy, in a jumble of thoughts and emotions running in all directions like a school playground during recess. And then there was her... she amongst the others simply glided as she guided her bike along the sidewalk. It was dusk, the sun setting with a bright and comforting burnt glow. From a distance she glanced, making eye contact, then smiling, and I caught it, right into me. But it wasn't anything.. strangers smile all the time. At least that's what I thought at first. I looked away, breaking the connection, feeling vulnerable, as if she just peered into my very being. She insisted and initiated the contact again, this time with much more pleasant intensity. It was as if she wasn't done before, like I'd interrupted her sentence and she'd yet to make her point. So she hooked my attention again and I realized she was conversing with me. Her smile again struck me, this time holding me. The glare of the sun beamed off her eyes. It sparkled. It was but only mere seconds yet felt as if we'd been talking for days without sleeping. As if she'd known the secrets I kept in a chest to which no one had the keys, are you kidding. She already knew what excuses I would serve up to avoid vulnerability and really, she didn't want to say a single word to me aloud. It was this simple action that immediately cleared the self conjured clouds in my head in seconds. It was a connection unlike any other, something deeper. She spoke to me with her light, telling me, "i love you and relax, because you're exactly where you should be." I knew what she meant. And she'll never know what she did for me, how much I craved that confirmation, and how it continues to resonate inside me... or does she?
// credit: TED
Monday, July 1, 2013
It's Pure French Milk
Pure french milk. Sure, why not.
Really though, I'm in love with the wood carrying case, saturated blue iconography and branding put into the whole package. So simply wonderful. And to be frank, blue is my favorite color so I can't resist fantastic application of it... well, good application that is.
// credit: the dieline

Educated Out Of Creativity?
A wonderful TED Talk about creativity and how education teaches us out of creativity. What a thought. I haven't even finished this entire talk at this moment but had to repost. This was shared from another friend and too good not to repost immediately. Thanks Race Bannon!
// credit: TED & Race Bannon
// credit: TED & Race Bannon
World's First Branded Coffee Stain
I spill coffee all the time, now why didn't I think of this? Pretty brilliant in my mind, especially considering the brand logo was for paper towels... exactly what you'll use to clean up the spill.
// credit: Ads of the World
// credit: Ads of the World
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