What a brilliant idea. Having culinary students slice into their cookbook to actually reveal cooking instruction all the while aiming to improve their cutting skills. Love it.
// credit: the dieline
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Grown Up Soda
I love mustaches, before it became a crazy fad (I'm sure others say that too). Plus, this reminds me of the Monopoly Man. Simple, conceptual packaging.
// credit: Dribbble
// credit: Dribbble
200... Yeah, So What?!
Ok, well this is the 200th post here (at least that's what Blogger tells me) and over the last year I've picked up the pace, because let's be honest, in the start, I wasn't great at this blogging thing. And by no means does me saying that negate the fact that I'm not the best at it now. I am however, keeping this to document things I do, personal, creative, inspirational, or well, hell, all of the above. But also to find those things in life that inspire me, that make me stop and think, or just catch my eye. So here's to another 200, and then 200 more, and so on, or until my fingers get sick and my eyes fall out of my head.
In the spirit of some recent work, here's a couple community event promotions that I helped with. One is my own partner's monthly event at the Edge Bar in Castro focused towards the leather demographic. The other was for a recent AIDS Walk 2013 fundraiser. It was quick, down and dirty. One of those 24 hour projects where you get a couple hours (maybe), but I'm happy to do it. I live to do things for a good cause, so it's always a pleasure.
AIDS Walk Fundraiser
CODE @ The Edge (Bringing Leather Back To The Casto)
In the spirit of some recent work, here's a couple community event promotions that I helped with. One is my own partner's monthly event at the Edge Bar in Castro focused towards the leather demographic. The other was for a recent AIDS Walk 2013 fundraiser. It was quick, down and dirty. One of those 24 hour projects where you get a couple hours (maybe), but I'm happy to do it. I live to do things for a good cause, so it's always a pleasure.
AIDS Walk Fundraiser
CODE @ The Edge (Bringing Leather Back To The Casto)
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
27 Things Advertising People Know To Be True
Pretty spot on. Glad there's not a lot about the Creative Department in there, phew! Use the credit link to view the list on Buzzfeed. Some of favorites below...
// credit: Buzzfeed
// credit: Buzzfeed
2. When it’s eerily quiet on the line, you know the other callers are talking shit on mute.
14. You work a ridiculous amount of hours and leaving by 6 p.m. is considered a miracle.
17. The client will never approve your creative the first time around.
24. Filling out time sheets might be the worst activity you do at work.26. The client ALWAYS changes their mind.
Less Talking, More Doing
Oh yes they did. Watching the tube this evening and saw this jab at the iPad. I must say, well played Microsoft. Not taking a stance either way, I'm pleasantly surprised with the spot.
Paint Smears Caught On Film
This post isn't so much about the band, or their music. It's more because I'm a fan of the paint effect and its use in the video. It's visually interesting, simple and provocative.
From calligraphy to graffiti, the guy has some serious talent. check out all the work on his page but below for just a sample. Killer stuff. Desan21
// credit: designinspiration
// credit: designinspiration
CULTURE Management
That's how I feel about this branding and identity treatment. Check out the credit link for all the shots. Wicked style, simple yet complex.
// credit: behance

That's how I feel about this branding and identity treatment. Check out the credit link for all the shots. Wicked style, simple yet complex.
// credit: behance

Tuesday, May 21, 2013
If I Were A Panda...
Out of Ogilvy in Chicago comes what Creativity deemed in their headline as the "cutest, saddest makeover" and I had to share it. It's not what you'd expect as you watch it (at least I didn't). A strong message and a simple well executed spot.
// credit: creativity
// credit: creativity
Feather Falls
Recently hiked Feather Falls, CA snapping some shots and really getting to enjoy the scenery. It's up in Oroville, I believe in Butte County, roughly 3+ hours north from San Francisco. It's worth it with different trail options depending on your desired effort, but the falls are incredible whichever route to them you choose. Here are some shots I threw on Instagram post-hike.
Local Hikes
Local Hikes
Friday, May 17, 2013
The Bitter Queens
Yes, they are many friends of mine here in San Francisco, but I'm also talking about a new venture that has taken off into the soft stages of development and will be a very fulfilling and exciting project for me (and all those involved). A locally based, custom cocktail bitters and culinary extracts company, The Bitter Queens. Embodying a San Francisco attitude, we're creating epic concoctions and extracts while serving you queen-style sass. I couldn't be more excited to be a part of this, no doubt, phenomenal journey that will be just the start to many great things.
Check out and 'Like' the Facebook page HERE.
Want more info on The Bitter Queens? Want a bottle? Send us an email. We're happy to bring a little bitters into your life.
Below is a peak at some handmade labeling (yeah, that's how it starts) and just the tip of the iceberg for what we've got planned.
Check out and 'Like' the Facebook page HERE.
Want more info on The Bitter Queens? Want a bottle? Send us an email. We're happy to bring a little bitters into your life.
Below is a peak at some handmade labeling (yeah, that's how it starts) and just the tip of the iceberg for what we've got planned.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Homeless Apparel
Im sure you've heard about all the A&F controversy around their-not-so-handsome-himself-caveman-related CEO and his ridiculous reason to why he does and promotes the brand the way he does (in order to keep the "cool kids" wearing his shitty clothes).
I applaude Greg Karber and his efforts to recycle (and not burn) the old A&F apparel by clothing those in need, the homeless. While I support someone owning and operating their business the way they see fit – I mean it is their business – when I heard that they burn the clothes, instead of donating, it pushed me over the edge. You can do what you want... to an extent. I dont have to support your brand if I don't agree, it's my right. But when your decisions become downright wasteful and untactful, it goes without saying that you've lost my support (for the record, you never had it A&F). I will personally be nabbing every piece of A&F I find and promptly distributing or donating to homeless shelters.
Check out Greg's brief video below documenting his first efforts to change the brand. Seriously go grab those garments and get them into the hands of those in need. Very interesting how social media has an impact. Something that was never a part of our everyday years ago. Also, how the consumer can take the brand image into their own hands. It'll be interesting to see how this develops and it definitely got my attention.
// credit: Huffington Post
....BUT on a lighter note, all this A&F talk reminds me of the old Mad TV skits. Check some of them out if you haven't seen them.. and really, it provides good fodder about all this nonsense and continues to shine light on this ridiculous brand.
I applaude Greg Karber and his efforts to recycle (and not burn) the old A&F apparel by clothing those in need, the homeless. While I support someone owning and operating their business the way they see fit – I mean it is their business – when I heard that they burn the clothes, instead of donating, it pushed me over the edge. You can do what you want... to an extent. I dont have to support your brand if I don't agree, it's my right. But when your decisions become downright wasteful and untactful, it goes without saying that you've lost my support (for the record, you never had it A&F). I will personally be nabbing every piece of A&F I find and promptly distributing or donating to homeless shelters.
Check out Greg's brief video below documenting his first efforts to change the brand. Seriously go grab those garments and get them into the hands of those in need. Very interesting how social media has an impact. Something that was never a part of our everyday years ago. Also, how the consumer can take the brand image into their own hands. It'll be interesting to see how this develops and it definitely got my attention.
// credit: Huffington Post
....BUT on a lighter note, all this A&F talk reminds me of the old Mad TV skits. Check some of them out if you haven't seen them.. and really, it provides good fodder about all this nonsense and continues to shine light on this ridiculous brand.
Monsoon Season
I have a ton of respect for those individuals who can do drag and frankly, those who do it well. It takes commitment, creativity and some serious patience to go through that transformation daily. I wanted to post the performance I saw in my Facebook feed from the recent RuPaul's Drag Race winner, Jihnx Monsoon. Why? Because she looks great, she's her campy self and does a wonderful performance at the GLAAD awards... do I need another reason?
Monday, May 13, 2013
Why 30 Is NOT The New 20
Approaching 30 in just a year and a half, this hits all too close to home. I wanted to make sure to stamp this here and share to my network. It offers some powerful pints, especially in the end...
"Thirty is not the new 20, so claim your adulthood, get some identity capital, use your weak ties, pick your family. Don't be defined by what you didn't know or didn't do. You're deciding your life right now."
"Thirty is not the new 20, so claim your adulthood, get some identity capital, use your weak ties, pick your family. Don't be defined by what you didn't know or didn't do. You're deciding your life right now."
Sunday, May 12, 2013
ATTRACTION by The Shadow Theatre Group
And 2 of 2 videos I wanted to share. This hits home to many and you'll understand when you see the content. A wonderfully visual statement, powerful creation and flawlessly executed performance. Grab your tissues, open your eyes, and experience this with your heart. You won't regret it. Oh, and the song is amazing, so I threw down a link to Emeli Sande's song, cause if you didn't know who it was, I'm sure you'll want to after the video. Now go, click play.
Song performed by Emili Sande, and alone this piece is gorgeous.
Song performed by Emili Sande, and alone this piece is gorgeous.
The Power of Concentration - Miyoko Shida
1 of 2 videos I am posting tonight \to share, mostly because they are phenomenal in so many ways. Also, because they are visually stunning and captivating in different ways. Miyoko is incredible. Also, the meaning behind the simple action at the end rings so true throughout life. A must see YouTube clip from a single person where the one that will appear above this is a group effort, both equally awesome.
// credit: Flixxy
// credit: Flixxy
Friday, May 10, 2013
Ounce, the Great & Powerful
I love James Franco. I'll start with that. Then go on to say that this is a fantastic composition with the juxtaposition of straight spring break and gays getting married/settling down. Some epic lyrics from the Lonely Island Boys and even a cameo from Ed Norton. Well played Zach Galifianakis, well played.
// credit: Pink News
// credit: Pink News
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Alex Minksy & The Underwear Expert
I like this guy. Following on Facebook sees him being goofy, but also honest and upfront about his sobriety and optimism. There's some shots from a new interview. Alex has been photographed by some other great photographers in the recent memory (check out the Michael Stokes shots). He's a young veteran and it's worth checking out to read about his body art, his story of dealing with alcoholism and even some questions that others might be afraid to ask about his ::cough:: personal life and having a prosthetic. Check out the full interview from the credit link, that is if you don't get stuck on the visuals below. There's something about his look. A combination of so many things – tattoos, scars, classic good looks, and the male form – beautiful.
// credit Underwear Expert

// credit Underwear Expert

Let's Get Zesty
I have to be honest and say that I don't know if I really care how somewhat over the top these could be perceived to be, but the casting and stereotypical characteristics of the "ideal" lover makes it quite punchy and entertaining. Oh, and the fact that my eyes aren't even remotely offended by his presence, physical features or well played persona. Yeah, that might be it. And here are the spots posted below, courtesy of the Kraft YouTube page.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Previously Banned in Black & White
Previously banned (male on male cheek kissing was too much back in '95), black and white commercial for Guinness, released, and becomes internet sensation. Well duh, and especially around the time of all this LGBT news throughout our country. I can personally say that having a more stay at home partner in the house-chore sense is in by no means a bad thing! I'll probably get smacked for that, but really, these roles do take place in the real world, maybe not always to this extreme, but it would've definitely been interesting to see what happened would this have actually been released to viewers in the US 18 years ago (wait?! what?... ugh, old.), enjoy.
// credit: A Wider Bridge
// credit: A Wider Bridge
Monday, May 6, 2013
Baby Elephants!
And to counteract the story posted below, I have to share Twisted Sifter's cutest baby elephant collection. I mean, how could you not LOVE these little guys?! Click their name for the full list, but below are just a couple pulled from their compilation. Oh, and you have plenty of time before my birthday to arrange for me to get one as a birthday gift...
Only For Children
I'm fascinated when technology bleeds into how Advertising develops and evolves. Originally posted on Gizmodo, this breakdown on ads about child abuse show how technology, and more specifically a lenticular layer showing different images depending on your viewing angle play into delivering very powerful and targeted message. Check out the video. It's intriguing and awesome, but sad given the subject matter. Well executed in my opinion.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Nice social media flip on the hashtag craze by Water if Life, specifically around "first world problems". Simple, yet powerful positioning on the things we take for granted. See more on the Adverblog post.
credit // Adverblog
“I accidentally cut my grapefruit on the wrong axis #firstworldproblem”
“Sat in the front row of a movie theater and now my neck is sore. #FirstWorldProblems”
credit // Adverblog
“I accidentally cut my grapefruit on the wrong axis #firstworldproblem”
“Sat in the front row of a movie theater and now my neck is sore. #FirstWorldProblems”
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Edward Tufte
I attended a single day course from Edward Tufte at the Westin in San Francisco. In hopes of gaining some useful information around the presentation of information, visual communication and effective presentations. That I did. As well as overall just having a great experience getting out of the agency, and learning something. I love learning, and have since college only attended small events here and there.
I mean hell, it came with 4 of his illustrious books, 2 sections of time that he went through his principles findings and teachings. While I would say 80% of what he delivered was of use to me personally, I'm hoping to bring some of what I gathered into my own freelance and future work at agencies.
It was great and below I've dropped some of the charts we looked at, a link to his site, and more. Another person's point of view (and after teaching it for 40 years) is viable. While I may not use everything he brought forth, there was some essential points that are going to be key in my assessment and creation moving forward.
Edward Tufte
I mean hell, it came with 4 of his illustrious books, 2 sections of time that he went through his principles findings and teachings. While I would say 80% of what he delivered was of use to me personally, I'm hoping to bring some of what I gathered into my own freelance and future work at agencies.
It was great and below I've dropped some of the charts we looked at, a link to his site, and more. Another person's point of view (and after teaching it for 40 years) is viable. While I may not use everything he brought forth, there was some essential points that are going to be key in my assessment and creation moving forward.
Edward Tufte
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Kirsty Mitchell's Wonderland
Came across a lot of people posting this series on Facebook today and had to share it. Absolutely stunning and wonderful work inspired from a woman's tragic personal loss of her mother. Showing someone who went inside themselves and their mind and brought it all to life while coping with their tragedy. This is inspiring, vibrant and an incredible series. CHeck out the shots below and her page for more of her work.
Kirsty Mitchell's Website
These are images from the Wonderland series...
credit // Daily Mail Posting
Kirsty Mitchell's Website
These are images from the Wonderland series...
credit // Daily Mail Posting
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